Emergency Management Coordinator Kharley Smith (top) was given a standing ovation as she was presented a certificate by Congressman Lloyd Doggett and Commissioner Will Conley at an event Friday honoring hundreds of emergency services personnel for their heroic actions during the Memorial Day floods in Wimberley and San Marcos. Hays County firefighters, police, sheriff’s deputes, first responders and EMT personnel, among others, were given certificates of honor by Doggett. Citizens from Wimberley, San Marcos, Kyle, Buda, Drippings Springs and other towns (bottom right) were honored at the event. Freddy Rolon of the Kyle Fire Department is given a certificate by Congressman Lloyd Doggett, JP Beth Smith, Kyle Fire Chief Kyle Taylor and County Judge Bert Cobb. (Photo by Cyndy Slovak-Barton)
A night of honors for Memorial Day flood heroes