Think quick! What questions do you have for those who might serve on the Mountain City City Council to help with your ballot selection of three out of the five?
Jot those questions down and get them emailed to by Monday, Sept. 14. Amy Hilton will compile the questions and garner responses from the candidates. She plans to distribute the Q&A at the Candidates Forum.
Candidates Forum? Yes! There’s more than fun and fellowship at this year’s National Night Out at Beth and Everett Smith’s on Oct. 6, from 6-8 p.m. There’s more than bouncey houses, ice cream, and fire trucks. This year, there’s a “Meet The Candidates Forum” so everyone will have opportunity to meet the five candidates for the three available positions.
Mountain City’s Council meets Monday, Sept. 14, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall
New Flag
Our majestic new flag pole makes it easy to find the City Hall. It’s easier to give directions now. “Turn in at the main entrance onto Mountain City Drive. Look for the flag pole at our white brick City Hall.”
You’ve seen the flagpole. Have you read the memorial plaque? It honors John Anderson, 1922-2013, the founder of present day Mountain City.
National Night Out
At our National Night Out on Oct. 6 and the Fire & Ice on Oct. 10 (that’s a confirmed date for your calendar), look for charter residents of present day Mountain City. They all have stories about well-loved and well-respected “Mr. Anderson”. He’s a legend.
Our city is getting set up on as an “agency”. This will allow the city to post and communicate through yet another channel.
All in the family
The city’s Facebook page posted answers to questions regarding the legalities involved with our City Administrator, Thomas Brown, and his wife, Elva running for office.
“In the event that Thomas is elected onto council, he will have to resign his position as City Administrator.
If Elva Brown, Thomas’ wife, is elected to council Thomas will NOT be required to resign his office since he has been employed with the city for more than a year prior to the general election. This is an exception to the nepotism prohibition in Chapter 573 of the Gov’t Code. Of course, if she is elected and he remains City Administrator she will be required to recuse herself from any vote that pertains to the City Administrator position.
Likewise, there are no prohibitions to them serving on the same council.”
There are no prohibitions on quantities of tidbits. Please send them on over to (subject: TIDBIT) or 512-268-5678.