By Pauline Tom
If you were disturbed by a dog’s barking just after 9 p.m. last Thursday night, I apologize. That was KissMe. KissMe tree’d three juvenile raccoons up The Williams’ privacy fence. The trio balanced almost eye to eye with us. Our blaring flash light and commands to KissMe, three feet from their masked faces, did not prompt the youngsters to budge. We locked KissMe inside for the night.
Drop off old drugs
You may have unused and outdated pharmaceuticals safety stored, knowing they’re a leading cause of accidental poisonings and throwing them in the trash or flushing can cause harm to the environment. Quick! Make plans to drop them off at the Buda Police Station, 100 Houston Street, on Saturday, Sept. 26, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. It’s the 10th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.
This helpful tidbit was sitting on the FaceBook page of Texas Poison Center Network.
Is the Poison Help number saved in your phone? If not, get it in there right now. Calls are free, confidential, and answered by experts 24/7/365. 1-800-222-1222.
New Neighbors
Camille West and Jeff Radke close on their home on October 9th. New neighbors! The buyers will join them on October 6th, at Mountain City’s National Neighbors Night Out at 116 Cedar.
Camille and Jeff will miss Mountain City. But, they’ve found a new neighborhood in Georgetown that has the same vibe they found here, and their new neighbors have been great. “When all the kids (and those grandbabies) are all north, what can ya say?”
New Baby
Mike and Marjie Kelley’s granddaughter greeted the world on September 17th while they were in Prague. Welcome back, Kelley’s. And, congratulations. Marjie forewarned on Facebook that she has 1300+ photos from the trip and, now that Baby Eleanor has arrived, she’ll share photos forevermore.
National Night Out
Beth Smith confirmed the time span for our Oct. 6 National Night Out gathering. It’s 6 to 8 p.m. It’s a candidate Meet and Greet with ice cream treats, water, and an inflatable play area.
Fire and Ice
Four days later, Mountain Cityians with families and friends will gather for our annual Fire and Ice. The event mailer contains pages of papers, detailing the various elements of the festival: salsa and ice cream competition, vendor booths, hamburger and hot dog orders. If you didn’t get it, contact me and I’ll try to assist you (even from vacation in Colorado).
Prayers appreciated
Amy Hilton, beloved founder of Loving Mountain City who stepped aside at year-end, appreciates prayers as she is recovering from September 15th surgery for a detached retina that should bring her vision back. Her other eye had repairs for tears and holes. Pray that God will lift her chin as she keeps her head down for two weeks. Pray for healing.
Pray for Lee Taylor as he recovers from a knee replacement on September 11th.
Pray for travel mercies as RonTom and I tent camp in Colorado, soaking up the gold (aspens). Most campgrounds are first come first served (or closed for the season). Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night we have no reservation.
Continue to send tidbits. (Subject: TIDBIT) or 512-268-5678. Thanks! Love, Pauline.