Submitted Report
Lois Bronaugh, one of PEC’s six 2015 Youth Tour delegates, won the top prize for her community service project, Destination Vacation. Destination Vacation is a “Make A Wish” event for the Onion Creek Senior Citizens in Buda. Bronaugh also received $500 from PEC to make her project reality. In addition to the $500 she received from PEC, she opened a Go Fund Me account raising nearly $200 and received $750 from the local Lions Club after presenting her event.
The seniors selected Hawaii as their Dream Vacation. Nearly 80 senior citizens and over 20 student volunteers were in attendance for the Hawaiian themed Destination Vacation. Bronaugh assigned a student volunteer to each table, who chatted and ate with the seniors. Miss Red’s Place from Buda catered the event and had a wonderful spread of Hawaiian delicacies. After the meal, Bronaugh arranged for several activities. A different student volunteer led each activity, some of which included Hawaiian trivia, learning Hawaiian phrases, hula dancing lessons, ukulele performances, Hawaiian tourist attractions from the perspective of a student who once lived in Hawaii, Hawaiian themed Pictionary, and a giveaway of tropical scented candles.
“Everyone seemed to really enjoy the event. The student volunteers did a wonderful job of interacting with the seniors and were very attentive and respectful. I’m very proud of Lois. You could tell from the decorations to the activities how much time, thought, and effort she put into all the details,” said Celeste Mikeska, PEC representative.