Staff Report
Progress continues to be made on the Yarrington Road bridge improvement project.
Within the past week, OHL, the construction company tasked with the improvements, has poured approach slabs for the bridge and for the east end of the northbound to southbound turnaround.
In addition, subcontractor RK Stevens began to form and set steel for concrete curb placement on the southbound frontage road.
Anticipated activities for next week:
OHL will begin placement of concrete pavement on Yarrington Road, west of the intersection with the southbound frontage road.
OHL will pour the bridge rail on the west end of the northbound to southbound turn-around bridge.
Subcontractor RK Stevens will place concrete curb and gutter along the southbound and northbound frontage roads.
OHL will maintain erosion and sedimentation controls throughout the project.
OHL will continue sweeping and vacuuming of roads for dust and debris control.