Full bloom goldenrods outside our breakfast window provide a miniature encapsulation of the golden splendor of the aspens saturating mile after mile during our travels in Colorado the last week of September.
With God’s mercies and guidance, we were in the right places at the right time to see hour after hour of aspens at their peak.
Bees, flying insects, butterflies, and other pollinators sip on the goldenrod. Goldenrod produces little pollen and that little pollen is heavy. So, contrary to what some believe, insect-pollinated goldenrod does not cause seasonal allergies. Ragweed, which blooms at the same time, can cause allergic reactions.
EdibleWildFood.com/goldenrod says, “All aerial parts of the plant can be used. The flowers are edible and make attractive garnishes on salads. Flowers and leaves (fresh or dried) are used to make tea. Leaves can be cooked like spinach or added to soups, stews or casseroles. Leaves can be blanched and frozen for later use in soups, stews, or stir fry throughout the winter or spring.”
The plant is more than nothing to sneeze at. John Muir’s description gives reason to spend time goldenrod sense-soaking. “The fragrance, color, and form of the whole spiritual expression of Goldenrod are hopeful and strength-giving beyond any others I know. A single spike is sufficient to heal unbelief and melancholy.”
Mountain City’s annual Fire and Ice gives an opportunity to spend enjoyable time with neighbors and help Loving Mountain City fundraise. It’s this Saturday, Oct. 10, 4 – 9 p.m.
Find these details and more on the Facebook page “Loving MountainCity”:
Judging for Fire (salsa) and Ice (ice cream) goes from 4 – 5 p.m.
Picnic Plates are $10 adults/ $6 children. No, you did not miss ordering. There were no pre-orders.
Game bracelets for the kids are $10.
Bring lawn chairs or blankets.
Enjoy the music of Island Texas.
Keep an eye on that FaceBook page to find out how to access the answers Mountain City’s City Council (aldermen) candidates give to questions collected by LovingMountainCity@gmail.com
After you determine your three (of five) selections, you might want to vote Oct. 19 – 30 at the Hays County Precinct Office. Come Nov. 3, our voting place is “way over” at the Kyle City Hall.
The City Council meets Monday, Oct. 12. Just before the September meeting, a version of the controversial Interlocal Agreement (ILA) came back to Mountain City in hope that the Council would take action in that monthly meeting. Mayor Tiffany informed the Council and those present that the ILA was in the hands of our attorney. And, she assured those present that we will have time to review and comment on the finally-acceptable-per-our-attorney ILA before the Council votes.
Keep an eye on MountainCityTX.com
Keep tidbits coming in, please. ptom5678@gmail.com (subject: TIDBIT) or 512.268.5678 Thanks! Love, Pauline