Ms. Garrett’s 4th Grade Class, Tobias Elementary
Dear Santa, you are my faveretes person in the wold and I now you are real and all of the pepole that hank you are not real please for give them and I thank you are the seetes person in the wold and Happy Birtday Jesaus
Dear Blue Santa, Thank you for donating toys to the kids who need them. Thank you May Fernandez
Dear Santa/Mrs. Claus, I hope I have been good for chismas and I promise I will leave you some cookies and milk. Love Kam
Dear Santa, I hope you come to my house. I hope you have a merry chismas Noah
Dear Blue Santa, Thank you for donating toys to kids who need them. Lane B.
Dear Santa and Mrs. Clas, Hope you have a grat crimes is a seasen of giving not giting. Lane
Dear Santa, I want a lizard or come-on something that is quit or cloths P.S. can you make it snow? And I also want peace. Rylee P.
Dear Santa, what I want for chrismas is… • a phone • shelkins • the minmons DVD • mony • a Ipiad. Katelyn
Dear Santa,I want an Elsa doll for Christmas. I also want an Olaf doll. Merry Christmas! Love Kennedy
Dear Santa, how old are you. how do you eat all those cookies in one nighty. how much elfs do you have. how long base it take you to make all those toys. From Garrett
Dear Santa, I want to meet your randers. I want cool staf. You are cool. I believe in you a lit bit by Aidan
Dear Santa, Thanks for making me a happy chrismas. Thank for giving me and my brothers some present.from Gavin G.
Dear Santa Claus, I would like to meet you but I know that you are busy. Do you think Trixie cuold stay more. I will like a phone for christmas. Some of my friends don’t believe in you but I do. Loren
you are a good prisin peple love you santa clays but. sad a sign if you are out that plese in ed to see you to beleve youh Jeremiah
Dear Stane I want a 36 picas plants v8 zombies. and of jo how do you be so qiuko. Joshua R.
Carpenter Hill Elementary School
Dear Sana, What I think Crismas is all about is Jesus god presents Cristmas trees and most of all the Star.
Dear Santa, This year I have been very good. I would liek a survival Ipad case preferably trey. I would also love some arim cloths. Might pited and a chees mat. Some bows would be awesom. I note hope all has a very merry little Christmas. From Charlie
Dear Santa, I want a game called Dimensions. Please, It is super awesome presient. I would appreticate it. Sincerly, Jakob
Santa, I want shopkins & a bunch of Bennie Boo’s. The book I want is sunny side up. Natalie H.
Dear, Santa I want a pair of uggs. t more blankets too. Lilah F.
Dear Santa, I want a book called Sunny side up. I want a laptop. Also some MK boots. Love, Alisia A.
Buda Elementary School
Dear Santa, Thank you fall the christmas toys you have gave me + my family. I wish that every boy + girl in the world has a toy + a place to sleep. I hope that when its christmas that all your reindeer are ready for the big trip. I hope that all of the the kids + adults are not on the nauty list. I hope when some one opens a present they will get happy.Merry Christmas Brooklyn
Dear Santa, I have 2 questions for you. First how big is your cristmas present bag. Secend what is your faveret type of cooke because you eat a lot of them. Love your friend Justin
Dear Santa, I want you to have a good christmas just like me. Some people think you’re talks but I don’t think your real. I really hope you bring me everything I want. All I need is a nice family and a puppy but I want DS, Xbox 360, iPhone 4, and 3 Nerf guns. I really hope I see you Santa. Jesse
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want know what I what baseball stuff. I would like every thing I would like I don’t know everything. No I’m kidding I want my family to get some thing. Santa you should give to Home less. Giovanni
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want a video game mine craft story mode for christmas. What I need a pair of pants and shoes and a t-shirt. and on Christmas I want people homeless to feel like there at home and hope a lot of people give. Have a merry christmas Willem
Dear Santa Claus, this year for Cristmas I want to say thank you for all the gift you gave me in the past. For Cristmas I want toys for my daog and family. My needs are a Cristmas & stuff for homeschooling. My thoughts about Cristmas is it’s not about gifts it’s about family. I want people around the world to have a good Cristmas. With love, Hayle
Dear Santa, This year I would liek to have the jr. bar pro cin blue, One veary berry mat and one watermelon mat (12×18). I would also like the blue Brianna Beam, the mamma bear teddy bear mat, sticky toes and gym, dance cloths. Thank you so much for going thrugh all the truble to get me what I wanted in the past. A white Christmas. The elf onthe shelf / Mr. Cuddles has been so nice to us this December. I apprcheate evrey thing you have done for us. Love Emma
Dear Santa, You are my faverite person in the whole world and I want a few geogle pray cards, an xbox, terraria and minecraft for xbox to. Your friend, Tayden
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I woudl liek to thank you for coming thourgh everyone chimmey. What I been dreaming for Christmas is a puppy, iphone and sewing machines, these are all of the things I been hoping to get one day. I would like to give everyone everything I have such as a ipad, bed, house, food and toys. When I be thinking about Christmas I always wondered who made Santa Claus because who every did they did an awesome job. From Kymara
Dear Santa, I want for christmas, sincerly Parker
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas all I want is a letter back saying how the reindeers are doing and what you want for Christmas. The reason why is because you have been giving kids around the world what they want and you don’t get anything in return. So this year I wanna give you something. Even it it’s cookies or mile or anything you deserve it. Please write back as soon as possible. Your friend, Cody
Dear Santa. This year I want a PS4 with call of duty black ops 3.50 my brother can teach me how to play. I would also wand a scat boart eletric. I wish to have a gocart two seater. So me and my friend can drive up and down the street. Thank You. Dominguez
Dear Santa, I’m wrightng what I want for Christmas. I want a t.v. for my living room. For my big sister I want a computer. For my baby sister I want a bunny boll. For my mom I want a new pair of roller scates. For my step dad I want boots. I want a I pad. From Riley.
Dear Santa, I have 1 questens for you. first ghow big is your Cristmas present bag. Secend what is your faveret type of cookie because you eat a lot of them. Love, for frind Justin H.
Dear Santa, I want you to have a good Christmas just like me. Some people think you’re fake but I don’t I think your real. I really hop you bring me everything I want. All I need is a nice family and a puppy but I want a DS xbox 360, iPhone4 and 3 Nerf guns. I really hope I see you, Santa. Jesse
Dear Santa, thank you for all the Christmas toys you have gave me & my family. I wish that every boy & girl in teh world has a toy and a place to sleep. I hope that when its Christmas that all your reindeer are ready for the big trip. I hope that all of the kids & adults are not on the nauty list. I hope when some one opens a present they will get happy. Merry Christmas, Brooklyn V.
I would like if this Christmas you could help people without homes. And would you please give kids that are in need at least one present. I want new legos for Christmas. And I think you should give dogs presents to. And cats., Love Makayla
Dear Santa, This year I want to say thank you becuase I’ve been mean to my brother. I just want to say thank you for being nice to me. I want to make a difference. I want to help millions. from Xander m.
Dear Santa, My brother has been a great kid and brother so he deserves somthing spetial. Like a scooter, and our puppies deserve something like some treats or a toy. But only because they work so hard every year and they deserve a break, treat or reward. And they mean the world to me. But don’t forget my ginea pig. Love, Mailer
Dear Santa, I want to take the time and thank you for all the gifts you givine me. also thank you for forgiving me. When I don’t listen but I have learned to follow directions when asked. Please give some presents to the kids who don’t have homes and roofs over there heads hope you have a merry Chismas. Rylee
The best friends FOREVER Your awsome Santa Dear elf. I want for Chrismas. I want please dog. Thank you evan everett
I want the uglys Japanese candy, mostly Japanese candy. from Jaylise
Dear Santa, This year I whant everybody to have a good Christmas theres one thing irelex whant for Christmas it is a narer bored. Love, Alyssa.
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want to tell you thank you for giving me gifts. I want the most is a bing bag for my family I want them to have what they want. for my pets I want them to have pet toys. for all the people around the work I want them to have toys and be nice to people. I hop they have the best Christmas this year and a happy new Year. for the people that are sick I want them to for Christmas is to feel better than ever. Love, Alyssa, with my loveful heart for Christmas
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want books with dinosaras. I want Lego’s with dinosarus. I want to dinosarus model. I want a Jurrasic world veilciraftor claws with love and joy from Logan
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is to tell you thank you for all of the stof you have given me ove rthe past few years. And can I have somthing from you so I can giv to others so thay can belev in you. What I will like to git for my family is for a good Christmas. Waht I wont for the world is for peppol to have a good tim with family. What I wold liek to give to other’s is whout they need. Love Dustin, to evrey won / Evrey won is Family
Dear Santa, This eyar for Christmas I want a video game minecraft story made for Christmas. What I need a piar of pants and shoes and a shrit. And on Christmas I want people homeless to feel like there at home and hope a lot of people give . Have a merry Christmas. Willem A.
Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I want know what I what base ball stuff. I would like every thing I would like I don’t know every thing. No, I’m kidding I want my family to get some thing. Santa you shoudl give to home less. Your friend, Giovanni
Dear Santa, how are you in doing fine I well put mint coocies for you and Ms. Claus. Lincoln G.
Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is sports things. All I really want is for the whole world to be happy on Christmas. I think Christmas is not about presents. It’s about celebrating Jesus’s birthday. All Abby wants for Christmas is to have cool dish toys so can you please give her that. All my parents want is clothes, my dogs want bones. And I hope all military people get home saftly. from Mason.
Del Castillo’s 2nd grade at Fuentes Elementary School
Dear Santa can you get me a dirt bike? how are things going? Thanks 🙂 Your friend, Carson P.S. Merry Christmas
Dera Santa I want o play station and a 3 dc David
Dear Santa I want a pacmanmachen. And a minicer schaucner. And skylanders super charge. Your Friend, Aidan
Dear Santa Claus How is the northpole? How is the elfs? How is the reindeer? How did you get your jod? Your friend Mylei
Dear Santa claus What I wanted for Christmas is not what I wanted for Christmas. I want … a cindle fire, an ipad, and a new game bord. Love Noelle
Dear Santa Is it ok up at the north pole? how is roudph is he ok? I love Christmas. Your friend Kyia
Dear Santa, When I took a picture with you it made my heart glow up. You are such a kind person. All I want for Christmas a stuffet animal. I don’t care wichone it is I just want one you can pick wich one and I know it will be perfect.Your frenid. Stella
Dear Santa, I wonder how you deliver presents to more than 1,000,000,000 kids in one night do you use the time zones do y use magic? now I’m going to tell you what I whant. I want pokemon cards,bord games 3ds games xbox one a WII u. your friend Noah
Dear Santa, Thank you for the toys that you gave me. and this yera i want a easy bake oven. and a ice crem mixer. your firiend Viviana
Dear santa Could I have onewa and the pretecter of Earth? from Luke
Dear Santa, I would like some Bad Kitty books for Christmas and I would like American doll. Your friend Aria.
Dear Santa, All I want for chrismas is a stuffanimal Elf. Your friend, Kyla
Dear Santa Claus, Hi Santa! Can I ask you a few questions? What do your elfs do at the work-shop? Are they the ones who make the presents? For Chrimas I would like Nancy Clancy Books. KinseyN.
Dear Santa Claus Can I plese have a big nurf gun and can it be pink? Your firend Lilly
Dear Santa, Thank you for giving all of this joy two us on what I want for christmas is a Nerf fyn and a WWE belt. Your Friend, Josue
Dear Santa, hey santa hows Ruddph and frosty? I want a flat screan TV. I want a traplean. and I want to go to the north pol. your friend, Joshpower
Dear santa I want a toy titanic that floats. I hope I’m on the good list and my family too. I will tell you I have no chimey but go through the door you will find a Christmas tree, you will find the stocking there I hope you have a good Christmas. Your friend, Jairo
Dear Santa 1. I want a toy sand tigers shark 2. A toy hammerhead shark 3. A toy maki shark 4. A toy frilled shark 5. A toy leopark shack. I live in kyle. This note is from Ricky
White’s class att Elm Grove Elementary
Dear Santa, I want a power razer for Shtimas. So me and my sisters and friends can play with it outside. We love going in the morning to playoutside with myfriends. Do you know why I love christmas? Because I get to see all my family and get to open all my presents. Sincerly, Gracie
Dear Santa, Thank you for the early Christmas gift. The dog that you got me is a girl and her name is Zoe. She is a pitbull and loves to chew on things. The things that I want are Earrings, suffed animals, blankets, perfume, lotion, pillows, and bows. Love Caroline
Dear Santa, What I want for christmas is a dallas cowboy jersey but I want a dezbrayant one plus thanks for the presents on Christmas eve you make Christmas fun and I know this will be the best Christmas ever. Sincerly, Abraham
Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy this year. I’ve been getting good grades on my progress and report card. I think my elf Elfis is scared of my dogs thats probably the reason. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!! Sincerely, Brayden
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. The way I know I have been a good boy because I cleaned my room. I have played with my sister alot and I get AWESOME grades in school. For Christmas I would like a Electric Scooter, a Laptop and a Seattle Seahawk cap. I hope you will like the cookies my mom is making for you! And Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Colton
Dear Santa, How are you going? Thank you for sending us a class elf! What do you do during the day? Are you staying warm? I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!! Sincerly, Tyler
Dear Santa, What I want for Christmas is a iphone5. Next I want a sheveron bedset. Then I want for Christmas is a artset. Finally the last thing is a computer. Love Sophia
Dear Santa, For Christmas i want ticket’s to a go to California this summer, calico criders elefent family, living room set, lagos, and star wars infenidey 3.0 game. And that is what I whant for christmas. Love Caroline
Dear Santa, Hi Santa, how are you doing? I am good. I hope I been good this year. I hope you will get lots of presents this year. How about a Chrismas party? I relly like you because of of your elfs are in my classroom looking at us. I love you so much. Love, Theo
Dear Santa, I hope you’re ready for christmas, because the days go by fast. There is something I’ve wanted for years. it’s a baby girl puppy. I’ve wanted that for shristmas can I please hace one. Love, Bella
Dear Santa, I know I’ve had mu ups and downs this year. But I’ve gotten better and I hope that you will look into your heart and decide, oh yah. and stay cool. Lucas
Dear Santa, Do you know my elf Buddy at my House? last year he did some bad things. I like Christmas because we celebrate Jesusus birthday. I also like it because we get presents from you. But I know it’s not about presents. I still like that we get presents though. But it’s about Jesusus birthday. And for those who don’t know it’s about Jesis I want to help them. I want a remote control lego train and more legoes for christmas. Love, Rowan
Dear Santa, I hope you are having a great time in the North Pole right Now! I also hope that youa re ready to give out presents to kids on Christmas Eve. My elf, Bobby, has been a little crazy over the years, but this year he’s dalmed down a little. I want a Nerf Rival Apollo and an Xbox One for christmas. Hope you have a great Xmas! Sincerely, Stone.
Dear Santa, I have a few queshtons. Why can’t we ever see you when you put out our our Christmas presents. Also For Christmas can I get a girl elf for Jack to have a sister, and also to play with. Only if you have an extra. Tell you’r raindeer that on my porch there is food for them. p.s. I hope you are worm up there in the north pole. Your’s truly, Ally
Dear Santa, Today is my birthday! My elf, Jingles taped robbion in front of my door so it looked like streamers, and that was just 1 out of 4 things Jingles did for my birthday! I sent you my X-mas list already. Well … Jingles actually delivered it! I hope you get a LOT of cookies on Christmas Eve. All my hear, Emma
Ramirez’ class at Fuentes Elementary School
Dear Santa, I can’t waint for you to vist Santa. How is Crismas doing for you santa? You are nice Santa. Love, Marcellus
Dear Santa, can I pleas have a nick and a baby rabbit and a foam and some hiyhey boots and some art stuff plea o plea and a dimly. Love, London
Dear Santa Claus, I like your raiders and your evils hope you deck rat your christmas tree like your autumets is your favfit rotor of olovam hope you have a good chrismstmas mrs. claus and you to santa claus! Love, David
Dear Santa Claus, I love your hop arc and you elfs I hop you do sat on your trip. I am so spring at you arc I will lev you and your elfs a present and mis close. Hav do you do it. Love, Elena
Dear Santa Claus, your ale ar horn wrens haw are yor rabe be weib kan you gime a brseun and kan you tgme a basballbat and kan you gime a bias and subsabut for the bias. Love Ryan
Dear Santa Claus, you are my frend. Love, Ariana. Roller skates, big monopoly, elf on the shelf, Iphone6, Ipad
Dear Santa Claus, All i wunt for christmas is my famale and my dad for christmas peyton tillyn mommy nana ryan is mise my dad. haw is rodoof how are elf. Love Allyria
Dear Santa Claus, Your elves are very nice. I want for chrismas a pet German sheper and a ps4 ad I some videogames and a Iphone? love, Noah
Dear Santa, you are my favret and you are nice and I love that you have a good lis and I am glad that you give people presens and I am so happy. how are do you mogik? Love, Ava
Dear Santa how many elfs do you have? I’m decorating for crismas. I love the elf on the shelf. How is your day? Love, iris
Dear Santa, I woud love to have at the toy stah Lilly and a Pepapig Delux Playset. ples santa am I not the good list? And those shos and a gepe ples. Love, Mariah
Dear Mom you are the gratist and I wil love you intol me lif. and if you diyu you will still be in my hart. and I love you with all my hart. and you are kind of a silly mom? Love Aidyn
Dear Santa Claus, i want innfinety ps3 game with 2 colitters. i want santa to give me a lot of toys evin my friens. and i want story mode mincraft ps3. and coll of dutey for ps3. Qushdin i want to know how you are win your travel. Love Santa from Billy
Dear Sant Claus, I wish you could bring me a xbox 360 and a ukulalie. and a lot of batterys like you did last year. More Judy Blume books. And I want a Barbie campers with a slide and the slide leads to a pool. 1 question is Rudolph a real reindeer? Love, deanette
Dear Santa Claus, wute I wonte for Christmas is a finfan. My mad tele 10 sockinse. Some boots. Some clothse. Some shose. 1 question will you get me all that stuff for Christmas? Love Kayden
Dear Santa, I wish you would bring me a kitten. Theis year I woold also like a Lifetime sueliy of choros and a toy electric car that I can drive and mincraft story mode I have one qweshton how fo you get arond the world so fast? Love, Ashton
Reavis’ class at Tom Green Elementary
Dear Santa, My name is Logan. I am fom tom Green Elementary. Sorry the bothr you I am sainy I ben good. Love, Logan
Dear Santa, My name is Devan. I am from Tom Green Elementary School. I want a malbsici. Love Devan
Dear Santa, My name is Leniya. I am from Tom Green Elementary. I will love the Green Book. love, Leniya
Dear Santa, I am from Tom Green Elementary School. I wut a thut Brbe hos. and ios uv shopkis. Love, Gianna
Dear Santa Myname Ahoy I am from a Tom Green Elehentary. I warte a (Gla Call of Duty black opsll Love, Ahoy
Dear Santa, My name is Miller. I am from tom Green Elementary. I wolud like a wild pets and a dron. I have a big list. Love, Miller
Dear Santa, How are you? Merry Christmas. May I hav a Shopkin cup and a Bod gam. Anissa
Dear Santa, all so I want a lego city with all the biltings and lego peypl make sher that peysis dowt brak aport also bowt frget it cums with Emmet with the pegs uv reysestens. Make the lego city be big, Dante
Dear Santa how is Rudolf? I want a mowks troe car and how are the other reindeers? are thae good or bad and I wunt a new controller. Erick
roskbingo, Leo
Dear Santa I wut a scapdft an a lego set kop lego iel an i jet an a nepod an a elbopad an a hat ascatbutnot our a hat a scatbut vat has red shx ar blo shx anitbloc, Noah
Dear Santa how are you how are yor rander is it cold at the. North pole are you haveng fun. for Crismis I wud wont juglbubl and a los ov sopcins from it ahlatho santa and smeley movers, Hannah
Dear Santa, how are you? for Christmas I wot sum clothes for Christmas and a shopkins 20 and my fav frut teth for Christmas and sum shoos and maybe sum daft stuff to culr with. Jade
Dear Santa I would like to have 50 shopkins and in a 12 pake. I would like soap and I would like shackie and I would like a stor for my Christmas tree. I love you Santa. H hop you have fun at the North Pole. Aliyah
Dear Santa I wat sacis abd a easobols and a sabre and a scooter and a frozen sarea a saubib, U an abd a sycbii? Ashley
Dear Santa how is it at the Nprth Pole? I wont a beeny boo plees, I love you Santa. I wont Choclat pen so Much. I wont a juggle bubble. Sophia
Dear Santa how are you santa? how is rudolf? for Christmas i won a elf on a shelf. Merry Christmas Santa How are the raindeer? Nyia
Dear Santa I wish you a Merry christmas. how is the wethr their today. wat is your favite cinde of cookys! if you tell me I will give you those cide of cookys. If yuo have all cinde I will make you the cooys I made for last yere. Viviana
Dear Santu how are doing? Do you want me to give you a eshtr cookie? Can I have a 18 inch montin bike and jume pleanse? Merry christmas Ethan
Dear Santa, How are you? Rudolf the red nose Elfan the shelf reindeer Merry iwirwiik apres It withe my mom edut wudyay git it. I wut sh pokin kupa and a mupit Santa. Serenity
Shopkins howw sett of them. Tenecows. Clothes how are you, swetrs, Avah
Dear Santa, How is it over at the North Pole? Is it cole there? How is Rudolf? I love you a lot Santa. I wont a po go stick. I won’t anuthr legoe set for Christmas. Mack
Dear Santa, shackie. Rudolf he rednose reindeer. Jugge North Pole, Ellnis
Dear Santa, How oure you I wot too sotv fivew toy shag I wot is puteto hed Princeton
How are you Santa? Merry Christmas Santa. Can you get me a 1000 dolrs? and a trofey car a scotr Kevin
Dear Santa, I want a new controller want legos et and a lego an licemap. Nick
Ousterhuis’ 4th grade class at Tom Green Elementary School
You are the most jolly person! I love your personality. Also, you are the best! I hope you can make it to everybody’s house without getting hurt. Plus all I would like for Christmas is some makeup and a Hover board. Thank you. very much. Angelica
I think I been wonderful this year but I don’t know about my brother. We keep arguing but none of them were big. But what I want for Christmas is a normal ever after High KittyChesire doll and thats all. She’s my favorite. xoxxo Alexia
I hope you know that I have been a good girl. This year I don’t want presents. All I want for Christmas is joy. Joy to my family, my freinds, and my teachers. Gifts are not important. Its the love that matters. Love, Marisa
I believe that I have been excellent this year. I defanetly believe in you. I am thinking or what I whant for Chrismas. I will send you a letter of what I whant. You and your elrs are outstanding evry Chrismas. love Evelyn
I preasent I only need is my family. I dont want to ask you for presents because you did enouhg for me. I love you Santa. Thank you for all the preasents you gave me. Cant wait til’ Chrismas to see you agine. Audrey
I would relly like a Marker Maker. And I would like to see you. Can you tell your Elf’s if they could make flying shoe’s. Anything is or right for Chrsmas. Make this merical come true to Santa From Giovanna
This year I have been MARVELOUS because I’m a straight A+ student. What I would love to recive is a U-Wheel because I can be lazy because I do good in school. If you and your reindeer do come warm cookies will await you! Love, Dorian
This year I have been magnificent because I did my math and reading homeowrk. What I would love to receive is a pokeman launcher because it makes me feel crazy. If you and your reindeer do come, warm cookie’s and milk will await you! Love, Sienna
This year I have been outstanding because I’ve been writing reading and doing my homework. What I would love to receive is a project McSquare because it makes me feel magnificent. If you and you’r reindeer do come, warm milk and cookies and gingerbread will await you! Love, Jennifer
This year I have been excellent because I have been doing my reading and math homework. What I would love to receive is an Ipad because it makes me feel magnificent. If you and your reindoor do come, wamr mile and cookies will await you! It is ok if you bring me something else because I don’t really care what you get me the Ipad. Love, Emily
Blanco Vista Elementary, 1st grade
querido santa clos mî nombre es Natalie g. Yo me porto bien. Y yo nesesito unos Zapatos. Y una chaceta. Y una gorro. Y un pegemeto parra la escela. Y unos
Querido Sana Clos mi nombre es Ian me e portado bien. Para navidad quiero una bicicleta para entrenar. Tan bien quiero un balon de soccor para jugar. Tan bient una troca grande pero de jugete para juhar. Ian
Querido Santa clos. Mi nombre es Laurita. Sana Clos yo guiero de regalo uh xbox 16 tam bien libros en español. Tan dien ipod ipod y suidad lego yo vol ausar esas casas para a prender mas cosas para cuando yo est e en gais cuo. El xbox 16 lovoi ausar para vuscar palahars y letras y humeros y le ipad ipad en es panol . para leer eh casa y los legos para jugar y es toi en primer grado Y mies cuelo se yama blaco vista.
Querido Sata Clos. Yo me llano sebastian. Sata Clos yo quero un xbos para llusan con my famila y con mis amigas. Y mis primos. Pero Sata Clos yo tefui disir en el pinero que yo estada muy bien. Yo me estaba protando muy bien porque. Yo le doy cornida a mis pescados y my perra yo me potro mui bien para alludar roh my mamá y mi pápa.
Qerido Santa Me porte vien çcomo estas? tengo 7 años guiciera un tubo para nadar y las gafas con los pans y yla cami sa con un libro para como nadar con tubo. boy talla 12. Cristian
Querido Santa, Espero que estes listo. Este año. Yo me ne portado muy bien. lq que yo hice le obedesi a mi mamá yo tengo 6 años. Mi nobre el Karie. lo que yo quiro para Navidad es un perro, tambien qulero un libry de Taylor Swift., Tu Amiga, Katie
Querido Santa Clos, ? cómo estás es pero quete baya bien yo tengo a años me porté muy bien Me gustaria un regalo y yo tevoya pedir una muñeca por favor. Tu amiga, Danna
Dear Santa, How are you? My name is Emily. I am six ears old. I am in 1st grade. I have bin a very good girl. What I really want is more Amerian doll stuf. Merry Chrismas, Your friend, Emily
Qyerido Santa, Yo quiero que me fraioas un jug uetede walkytalk ue yun robot. Sergio
querido Sana Clolos: Mi Porto ven Santado mi regalo patinen y doodelli y tovo? Mis ermantos cieren doodenlli trame una mu neca Patiner doode. Nadia.
Querido Santa, Yo cera una moto Yo Cero un writici, yo cero un turtuga, yo cero un jugete de en edyetita, yo cero un mongorva de manacraft de evidere. Ivan