The Lehman High School Band rocked its way to a successful showing at this year’s Solo and Ensemble competition. A large group of Lobos scored 1st Division ratings from the judges. Additionally, the band, directed by Joey Lucita, qualified a sizable contingent to advance to the State Solo & Ensemble competition late this spring at the University of Texas.
Lobos scoring 1’s at the recent auditions includes (* denotes qualified for State)(some names repeat, denoting individual and ensemble entries):
Jessica Barber, Graciela Deleon, Mackenzie Doyle, Cassie McCool, Lila Ramos, Celestina Rivera, Santiago Torres, Jr., Savanna Vasquez, Iris Martinez, Dara Vasquez, Taylor Tatom, James Nino, Dharma Heaney, Omar Barker, Jordan Barber, Janaye Barabin, Gabrielle Fraga, Benu Liburd, Emily Perez, Cassandra Gibson, Bailey Nance, Claire Rifley, Daniel Ramirez, Emily Franco, Chloe McCool, Nailea Udave, Sarah Levine, Omar Barker*, Cassandra Gibson*, Ashley Reyes-Monroy*, Maija Solis*, Tatum Batman, Travis Dunn*.
Vanessa Garza, Jackson Izard, Manuel Pena, Matthew Vargas, Brittany Kelley, Hannah Lunan, Ambrocio Turrabiartes, Madison Batman, Craig Harris, Tenley Lehman, Katie Ramirez-Portillo, Stefan Rodriguez, Emily Sherman, German Rangel Diaz, Brittany Ponder, Haley Guillory, Zach Nobles, Alyssa Saunders, Adrianna Cantu, Abigail Harris, Robert Vasquez*, Matthew Brady, Hector Lima, Benedict Perez, Andrew Dorantes, Deanna Vowell, Madison Batman*, Craig Harris*, Tenley Lehman*, Katie Ramirez-Portillo*, Francisco Milicia, Zak Petersen*, Matthew Hebert*.