Hays High School Band director Tony Leflet labeled it a “winning day” as his Rebel band members rolled to an impressive showing in the annual Region 18 South Zone Solo and Ensemble contest. Held at Hays High School, Leflet said, “The combined efforts of our boosters, 8th-Grade students, high school students, and staff” were the ingredients leading to the big day, with many of his competing student helping with the hosting. First division ratings went to 109 Reb band members, with 23 of that number qualifying to advance to State. Leflet noted, “A huge thank you to all the students and parents for representing the Hays High School Band program so well!” Rebs scoring 1s at the auditions includes (*denotes qualified for State) *some names repeat, denoting both individual and ensemble entries):
Lois Bronaugh, Katherine Gibson, Kennedy Fehrenbacher, Camille Gerlach, Tana Morriss, Olivia Bonin, Melanie Chida, Clayton Gabel*, McKenna Murphy, Elizabeth Gibson, Meg Ballay, Jennifer Herrington, Kathryn Horton, Loryn Hudson, Stephanie Lewis, Christian Robles, Sierra Scott, Samantha Talamantes, Isabella Acosta, Hope Gorena, Maisie Valdes, Keaten Keitz, Bret Johnson, Peyten Bevill, Connor Scott, Lois Bronaugh*, Katherine Gibson*, Sabrina Guerra*, Alexandra Gore, Lyandra Martinez, Kayla Wilbanks, Marc Adams*, Peyten Bevill*, Michael Hellmer*, Michael Lowery*, Olivia Bonin*, Lillian Bonin*, Clayton Gabel*, Noah Benedict, Danny Bracamontes, David Delgado.
Samuel L. Grumbles, Gracie Hough*, James Leonardis, Kaylee Taylor, Robbie Woodworth, Aaron Barlow, Matt Christy, Haley Fountain, Taylor Jones-Endsley, Leah Nealis, Meridian Parham, Cade Smith*, Will Cauble, Andrew Larson, Wiley Lincoln, Erik McKee, Austin Uresti, Daniel Lincoln, Dalton Willhoite, Jacob Medel, Patrick Chida, David Craig, Chris Deleza, Nicolas Prouix, Chase Wilson, Elias Lopez, Nathan Castaneda, Anthony McKean, Brent Redmon, Nia Segura.
Alan Arthur*, Daniel Garraway*, Nicholas Hackworth, Preston Jones, Aidan Keller, Zachary McManus*, Armond Prince, Luke Roehrig, Daniel Garraway*, Kayleigh Jones*, Aidan Keller*, Tyler Paryzek, Ryan Peed*, Ethan Pulfrey*, Samuel Pulis*, Erica Wilson*, Alexandra Gore.