See what your local school board candidates have to say about the issues. Incumbent school member Merideth Keller and candidate Jonanna Mikulenka will be competing for the District 4 seat, while Priscilla Harrell and Esperanza Orosco will compete for the District 5 seat. The Hays School Board election is Saturday, May 7. Early voting starts Monday, April 25.
Merideth Keller, District 4 incumbent
What prompted you to seek election or reelection?
I am seeking re-election to the Hays CISD Board of Trustees to continue my leadership and record of supporting our students, parents, staff members and taxpayers. I have a unique perspective because of my intimate current and historical knowledge of the workings of our board, administration and, most importantly, the education of the students we serve. The community deserves dedicated leaders and I have a long history of serving our community well.
What do you bring to the table that your opponent doesn’t have?
I am the most qualified candidate because the leadership I provide began thirteen years ago and has not waivered. As your current District 4 Trustee, I serve as the current Board President and served as the past Vice-President and Secretary. I have 180 hours of board training and served on multiple board-level committees. I have successfully advocated for low elementary class sizes, lower taxes, higher teacher pay and process improvements. My district-level service includes the District Leadership Team, Growth Impact Committee, Bond Committee, Attendance Zone Committee, Principal Hiring Team, and the State Comptroller Task Force on Student Learning. I have served at the campus level on committees such as the Campus Leadership Team, PTA and booster clubs.
I am the most involved, knowledgeable and dedicated candidate.
What are the three biggest issues facing your district and what do you plan to do to alleviate those issues?
Improving academic advancement for all students is the biggest issue facing our district. We need to embrace a clear college and career readiness plan. It is up to the board to ensure that teachers are provided with the appropriate resources and training. I have been and will continue to be their biggest advocate.
Addressing the explosive growth is another important issue. In 2017 we will propose a bond that should alleviate some of our overcrowding, In the interim, we cannot allow our student to teacher ratio to go over 22:1. I have successfully advocated for our district to adhere to that ratio.
We must also improve our parent and community involvement. We have already started a district level volunteer plan but we have to build support at the campus level. I will advocate for this to be a continued board goal.
Should Hays CISD consider magnet high schools in the future and why?
I support the idea of considering magnet schools at all levels. Statistically, magnet campuses provide more specialized learning and teaching which result in the best academic outcomes. Individualized, project-based instruction that draws on student strengths, while improving weaknesses, is a proven method that is often associated with magnet schools.
Along with a third high school, what should Hays CISD place in the proposed bond to voters next May and why?
In addition to a third high school, the bond should address the need for new elementary campuses and possibly another middle school. The bond oversight committee or the growth impact committee will work with administration to determine the scope of our needs …
However, my goal is to develop a master facilities plan prior to that time to make this process easier and more transparent.
Is Hays CISD keeping up with the growth of the district?
Our bond capacity will not allow us to build any new campuses until we go out for bond in May 2017. We are one of the fastest growing school districts in the state and nation. The district has more than doubled in size in just five years. I know our campus leaders work hard to accommodate the number of students but that is not an easy task. At many campuses, our classrooms and common areas are overcrowded. This is why I support moving quickly on a bond election as soon as we are able.
What would be your first order of business if you were elected or reelected?
My first order of business after the election will be to follow through on the goals I have already set and started. The budget process is underway but we have a long way to go. I have already addressed the need for an expansion of the STEM program with the board and community. Now we need to follow through. We are in the process of discussing salaries. While we have made strides in this area, we aren’t done. It’s imperative that we do not allow the progress we made to slip away. The district has proposed and implemented several changes to a variety of programs over the last several years. We need to verify whether or not these changes have resulted in the desired outcome.
What specific practices would you employ or currently employ to keep in contact with constituents?
There isn’t anything more important to connectivity than visiting campuses, attending fundraisers, mentoring, reading to students and taking the time to visit with parents and teachers. Since I was first elected, I asked that my cell phone number be posted to the Hays CISD website so that anyone can reach me anytime. I answer calls and meet with parents and students all the time. I have a Facebook page where I post district information and respond to stakeholders. Attending events and keeping in contact with constituents is the best part of this job. There is nothing more rewarding than helping people get the information they need or helping them navigate difficult situations. Parents, students and staff know they can count on me because we are in this together!
Anyone can reach me at the contact information below:
Phone: 512-470-5614
Where should Hays CISD focus its attention on over the next three to five years?
- Academic advancement for all students is the number one priority. The district should embrace a comprehensive college and career readiness plan. Teachers must be supported in their efforts to ready their students for their advanced college or career classes. I will continue to provide that advocacy and leadership.
- Responsible growth can be addressed with the support of a bond initiative in 2017. We should address the growth and continue to keep taxes low. We must also implement a comprehensive master facilities plan. A comprehensive master facilities plan should provide the community information related to our current and projected facilities, property, demographics, finances and bonds.
- Providing equal access to academic programs is imperative. Currently, our STEM courses at the elementary level are limited to two campuses in the northern part of our district. I will continue to advocate for the district to expand these programs to every elementary in the district.
What was the last movie in a theater you saw?
The last movie I saw in a theater was Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I readily admit that I am a Star Wars nerd. I kept my little action figures from 1977 in hopes that my kids would find them as awesome a I do. My kids act like they love my old action figures but I suspect they are just humoring me.