By Samantha Smith
Water and wastewater costs for Buda residents will go up over the next two years before rate increases take a downward trajectory, according to a presentation by HDR Engineering representative Grady Reed at an earlier Buda City Council meeting.
Although Buda’s high growth rate has been helping keep water and wastewater costs low, residents can expect to see a five percent increase in their water rate and a two percent increase in their wastewater rate.
The increase equates to a $2 additional charge to residents who use at least 5,000 gallons of water a month.
Reed said the higher rates can be attributed to an increased level of debt service stemming from expenses associated with permanent and interim water sharing and other water expenses.
The future water and wastewater costs for Buda residents do not look entirely bleak though.
Reed said residents can expect a ten percent water and wastewater increase in 2018 due to the new $21.4 million Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is scheduled to be constructed by fiscal year 2017.
After the WWTP is paid off in 2018, Buda residents will start to see rates for water and wastewater bills increase only slightly starting in 2019.