The Hays Free Press asked Buda City Council candidates the following questions. Answers are printed below.
1. What prompted you to seek office?
My run for City Council is solely about my love for the City of Buda – our neighborhoods, diversity, innovative spirit and the youth in our City. I have noticed on social media residents of Buda voicing their opinion for change within our council. A large part of why I’m running is because I for one am tired of the lack of vision, leadership which has hindered our collective progress.
2. What are the three most pressing issues Buda currently faces?
It is a difficult question because there are many challenges the City of Buda will face in the future but the three top issues concerning the City of Buda are: Affordable Housing, current growth rate, water resources.
3. How should Buda approach managing the rapid growth?
By having a smart balanced growth plan, building new roads, repairing existing roads that are cost effective. Having long term plans for water and wastewater.
4. Does Buda need workforce housing?
Buda does need more options for both seniors and single income people. I support affordable housing options, but planned according to what the citizens of Buda want. I do not believe the City of Buda should manipulate housing prices and I have not seen any positive input from the recent housing survey in fact the City of Buda has stopped the recent Housing Action Plan survey. As an elected official I will do what the citizens of Buda want me to do to ensure proper housing growth.
5. What will you do to keep in contact with your constituents?
I will have my personal e-mail and city email available for contact and have town hall meetings every 3 months with my constituents.
6. What do you bring to the table that your opponents don’t?
I bring a fresh perspective to the City Council, I bring leadership steaming from my 11 years in the military and being a Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. During this election I have not asked nor received any money from outsiders and have spent my money locally for my political campaign signs, my opponent spent money with a business in Austin, Texas for his political signs. My opponent has received $535 in political contributions and $500 from JCI Residential, LLC, who developed the Carrington Oaks apartments in Buda.
7. What is an issue you believe should be given more attention?
Traffic growth and congestion in downtown Buda and on FM 967, working with the School District to expand bus services back into some areas that had the buses removed a few years ago.
8. What was the last movie or show you watched in theaters or streamed?
My family and I saw Captain America at the movie theater.