The Hays Free Press asked Buda City Council candidates the following questions. Answers are printed below.
1. What prompted you to seek office?
I am seeking re-election to the City Council Place 2, because of my desire to see many projects that have been initiated in the last year, by the City Council, brought to a state of completion. I have been an active participant with my fellow Council members, City Management, Bond Council and the city’s Financial Advisor in formulating initiatives such as the five Bond Propositions for improvements to the City’s infrastruture, as well as park land acquision. These projects and others initiatives will require concerted oversight and understanding of the scope and overall details of the plans and tasks.
2. What are the three most pressing issues Buda currently faces?
The three pressing issues currently facing the City are, to continue to strive to be ahead of the growth impact to the city’s infrastruture.
3. How should Buda approach managing the rapid growth?
Responsible planning is paramount in managing the rapid growth in our City. Planning for the civic infrastruture and services in advance of growth has been the short term and long term goal. The City’s Comprehensive Plan provides us with a outline regarding policy decisions on how to address growth and change. This document maps out and focuses on a long range plan that emcompasses a detailed Transportation Master Plan as well as Downtown Master Plan with the vision of how the City grows over the next 10-20 years, how the growth should be managed. This 200+ page guiding document, that the City Council and City Staff embraces, guides growth and development as a 2030 Comprehensive Plan for the City and is a very useful manageing tool for the rapid City growth.
4. Does Buda need workforce housing?
As we look at the question of housing in Buda, it has been clear to the City Council and City Managment that the question of housing in Buda needs a comprehensive study and review for a clear understanding of the question on how housing should approached. Recent council action formed a 20 Member Citizen Commission and authorized the engagment of a Housing Consultant to assist in the study of housing in Buda. Affordability is a major issue. Providing affordable housing for our teachers, public servants, hospitality workers, etc. and all of the citizenry is for the public good. This is not a issue that only the City of Buda should be interested, but perhaps Hays Independent School District, Hays County, Buda Economic Devlopment Corporation and other like organzations could form collaborating efforts to meet the housing needs in all of Hays County.
5. What will you do to keep in contact with your constituents?
I will continue to be available to my constituents through my personal and City e-mails and telephone contacts. I will routinely, as in the pass, visit local businesses and citizen functions to be available to address issues they may have concerning the City.
6. What do you bring to the table that your opponents don’t?
I am the the best qualified canidate for the the City Council ; Place 2 because I bring a high degree of experience that opponent does not.
7. What is an issue you believe should be given more attention?
The City has tremendous challenges in managing the five propositions of the 55 million dollar bond issues for a new Municipal/Library Facility, Public Safety Facility, Drainage/Flood, Main Street and Parks improvements.
8. What was the last movie or show you watched in theaters or streamed?