We stand on the shoulders of our great heroes of the past, and we owe them a debt: to preserve, protect, defend, and extend the gains they made, your behalf and mine.
We owe it to George Washington’s generation to remain free from the rule of kings, and to preserve the hard-won democratic republic that enables us to speak freely, think freely, and act freely. To preserve the Constitution and the rule of law, and reject the rule of men. These are the precious gains the American Revolution ac...
We stand on the shoulders of our great heroes of the past, and we owe them a debt: to preserve, protect, defend, and extend the gains they made, your behalf and mine.
We owe it to George Washington’s generation to remain free from the rule of kings, and to preserve the hard-won democratic republic that enables us to speak freely, think freely, and act freely. To preserve the Constitution and the rule of law, and reject the rule of men. These are the precious gains the American Revolution achieved. Those gains are in clear and present danger today.
We owe it to Abe Lincoln’s generation to keep the Union together intact, to see other people’s inner character rather than their outward color, and to abstain from exploiting laborers or owning people. These are the precious gains the Civil War achieved. Those gains are in clear and present danger today.
We owe it to our parents’ and grandparents’ generations to keep our country free of both fascism and communism, and to preserve the structures and institutions that hold power accountable and protect us from factions and dictators, who would subvert the Constitution and render it moot by attacking our country at its roots. These are the precious gains that World War II achieved. Those gains are in clear and present danger today.
The American Revolution, the Civil War and World War II are all on the ballot this November. Will you vote to keep them, or to throw them away?
We are the cloud of witnesses for the generations to come. They will stand on our shoulders as we rise to meet today’s challenges, or be crushed beneath us when we fall. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren, and all the generations to come, to preserve the blessings our ancestors won by courage, wisdom, and sacrifice, and even to extend those blessings further, and if possible, win still new freedoms and blessings for them. All of that is in clear and present danger today, thanks to the most un-American president in American history.
In honor of all that past generations of Americans have bequeathed to us, and in honor of all the soldiers who have fought, all the soldiers who have been wounded, and all the soldiers that have died defending this country and the ideals it stands for and the enormous strides it has achieved in human affairs, I am voting for Joe Biden.