The Kyle VFW Post 12058 and the city of Kyle hosted a Memorial Day ceremony on Monday, May 29 at Heroes Memorial Park. Community members were invited to honor and remember men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Photo by Ashley Kontnier Linda Caronti holds her grandson Lloyd Linestrom, 1, as she stands with daughter Naomi Linestrom and grandson Charlie Flanigan, 4, to admire the water wall at Heroes Memorial Park prior to the Memorial Day ceremony.

Photo by Ashley Kontnier

Photo by Ashley Kontnier Hays County Veteran Services Officer Jude Prather addresses the crowd at the Memorial Day event.

Photo by Ashley Kontnier The crowd watches as the flag is raised into position.

Photo by Ashley Kontnier The crowd stands as Lehman High School students Seth Rivas and Jonas Taylor sing the national anthem. Taylor and Rivas won the VFW singing contest earlier in the year for the opportunity to perform at the event.

Photo by Ashley Kontnier Members of local Boy Scout troops 1948 and 812 and Cub Scouts Pack 812 bring in the flag at the beginning of the ceremony.