Dripping Springs Helping Hands hosted the 26th Annual Empty Bowl Project on Sunday, Nov. 5. The event, which was held at Dripping Springs Ranch Park, is the largest fundraiser for the Helping Hands food pantry each year and 2023 raised a record amount of money. Pictured, hungry patrons have their bowls filled with a variety of soups, including potato corn chowder, broccoli cheddar, gumbo and chicken tortilla, from more than 31 restaurants.
The 26th Annual Empty Bowls Project boasted more than 1,000 bowls, some of which are seen above, from nearly 20 ceramists. According to June Baumoel, co-chair of the Empty Bowls Project Committee, the funds came just in time, as the food pantry is seeing an increase of families each month. Helping Hands is thankful for the support to continue helping neighbors in need. Donations can be made to the food pantry anytime. For more information, visit www.helpinghands-drippingsprings.org.
During the event, patrons choose from an array of handcrafted ceramic bowls, which are then washed and filled with a soup of their choosing. The 2023 event sold more than 1,200 bowls.


Photo BY ASHLEY KONTNIER Volunteers wash bowls after people have chosen and paid. The event saw more than 150 volunteers on Sunday. Those interested in learning more about the event are invited to visit www.drippingspringsemptybowls.org.

Photo BY ASHLEY KONTNIER Pictured, Judy Bute, of Austin, deliberates over the “best” bowl choice.