Check out some photos from Budafest 2023!

Buda community joins together to sing Christmas carols in the parade. PHOTO BY VICTORIA CARREON

Local woman honoring her culture, wearing a festive trajes típicos in the lighted parade at Budafest. PHOTO BY VICTORIA CARREON

Santa spreads holiday cheer with the help of the Buda Fire Department in the Budafest lighted parade on Saturday, Dec. 2. Santa’s arrival was followed by a short fireworks show. PHOTO BY VICTORIA CARREON

Local kids enjoy the jumbo slide at the Budafest carnival. PHOTO BY VICTORIA CARREON

The 36th Infantry Division band, led by Jeffery Lightsey, performs at Budafest, which was held Friday, Dec. 1 through Sunday, Dec. 3 in downtown Buda. PHOTO BY VICTORIA CARREON

Local kids enjoy the jumbo slide at the Budafest carnival. PHOTO BY VICTORIA CARREON