Charles and Nancy Handrick, and immediate past president Justin Krause, of the Buda Lions Club visited Historic Buda Elementary on Thursday, Feb. 15, to present administrators from Hays CISD’s three comprehensive high schools with funds from football game concession sales. Altogether, the Buda Lions Club awarded a total of $29,126.07. For more than 30 years, the Buda Lions have operated the concession stands during the district’s high school freshman, junior varsity and varsity games at Bob Shelton Stadium. After the season concludes, the Buda Lions then give 20% of the gross concession sales back to the high schools. This year, the Buda Lions awarded Johnson High School $12,021.23, Hays High School $9,240.02 and Lehman High School $7,864.82. Administrators from LHS, HHS and JHS, as well as principals from their respective feeder elementary and middle school campuses received the checks. Hays CISD Stadium Manager Doug Agnew, Superintendent Dr. Eric Wright, Deputy Academic Officer Area 3 Jesus Gomez and Deputy Academic Officer Area 4 David Pierce were also there to celebrate.
Lehman High School
Buda, Community, Education, Hays County, Kyle, News
Buda Lions Club presents check to high schools