Kyle Area Senior Zone hosted a Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony & Celebration on June 19.

Edwin Carey gives a speech about the history of the Juneteenth flag. He mentioned he was previously uninformed and his shock when he found out. “My lack of not knowing something is more of an embarrassment. There’s not much consequence … Their lack of knowledge kept them in chains … Thankfully, in both of those cases, the truth became known. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” he concluded in reference to the slaves that went years without knowing that they had been freed. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

Jacquelyn Green sings “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as the Juneteenth flag is raised onto the table. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

Jacquelyn Green sings the national anthem, while a color guard presents the flags at the Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony & Celebration, hosted by the Kyle Area Senior Zone on June 19.