On Aug. 6, Dripping Springs City Council proclaimed Aug. 4-10 as Farmers Market Week. Local farmers and ranchers provide the community of Dripping Springs with access to healthful, locally and regionally produced foods through farmers markets, which are expanding and evolving to accommodate the demand for a diverse array of agricultural products. The city of Dripping Springs recognized the importance of expanding agricultural marketing opportunities that assist and encourage the next generation of farmers and ranchers. The market is every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon at Dripping Springs Ranch Park for the summer. More information can be found at www.facebook.com/DSFarmersMarket.
Pictured, council member Sherrie Parks, left, poses with Farmers Market specialist Johnna Krantz and Farmers Market manager Charlie Reed after reading the proclamation at the meeting.
Dripping Springs, News
Dripping Springs proclaims National Farmers Market Week