Emily Barnes, based in Colorado, started her set at the 10th Annual Songwriters Festival in Dripping Springs by saying she doesn’t really play the piano. From the first note, and sound of her melodic voice, she had the outdoor crowd at the Warehouse District in downtown listening intently to her songs of truth, love, circumstance and perseverance. Learn more about the songwriter at www.emilybarnesmusic.com. PHOTO BY WAYLAND D. CLARK

Natalie Price, from Austin, sings at Dripping Springs’ 10th Annual Songwriter Festival, held throughout venues in the Historic District from Oct. 18-20. Price can’t be pigeon-holed into one category, but is cautiously categorized as a bit of Ameri-“kinda” pop, folk and twist of country, according to the songwriter’s website, www.natpricemusic.com. PHOTO BY WAYLAND D. CLARK