Check out photos from both Buda and Kyle’s Veteran’s Day Parade.


Buda city officials ride in style. PHOTO BY ASHLEY KONTNIER

A Dance Unlimited student waves her flag and smiles for the camera during Buda’s Veterans Day Parade. PHOTO BY ASHLEY KONTNIER

Members of Cub Scout Pack 128 represent the group. PHOTO BY ASHLEY KONTNIER

Pictured, the Quantum Towing float carries veterans, who wave as they pass. PHOTO BY ASHLEY KONTNIER



U.S. Navy veteran and Grand Marshall Carl Trim acknowledges an Air Force veteran in the crowd at the annual city of Kyle Veterans Day Parade on Nov. 9. Trim served for more than 20 years, joining the Navy in 1943. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

The Kyle Twirlers perform with their instructor as they march during the Veterans Day Parade. Along with the parade, the monthly Market Days was held, where community members could visit vendors to purchase goods. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

Kyle City Council member Michael Tobias poses for a photo in the midst of announcing the parade attendees. Moments before, Tobias spontaneously sang the National Anthem after the city was experiencing technological issues. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

Community members sing along with Kyle City Council member Michael Tobias, as he spontaneously sings the National Anthem after the city experienced technological difficulties. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

The Kyle VFW Post 1268 participates in the Veterans Day Parade by riding upon a float. Pictured, members wave to the crowd. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

Kyle City Council member Robert Rizo smiles and waves for a photo. He and his family recognized his veteran brother Cruz Rizo. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY

Leading the parade, members of the community carry the nation’s flag and the POW/MIA flag, as the songs of each military branch are played on bagpipes. PHOTO BY BRITTANY KELLEY