Local Dripping Springs sixth grade basketball team Drip City received first place at the Ringing In The New Year Tournament Saturday, Jan. 4, in San Antonio. After, the team went on to place second in the Hot Hoops Fest Saturday, Jan. 12, in Georgetown. Winning five medals this winter season, Drip City will play in its final tournament — The I Heart Basketball Tournament — this weekend. Pictured, the group poses after the Ringing In The New Year Tournament. Standing, from left: Coach Aaron Farmer, Luxe Griffin, Rory Chandler, Kasen Farmer and coach Dietrich Griffin. Kneeling, from left: Parker Tart, Hudson Kelly, Ethan Lowman and Tate Williams. Not pictured: Johnny Moseley and Ty Sisson.
Community, Dripping Springs, News
Drip City smashes competition in basketball tournaments