DRIPPING SPRINGS — Individuals who want to apply for the Dripping Springs ISD Board of Trustees May 3 election have until Friday, Feb. 14, to do so.
Two seats are up for re-election in 2025, which are currently held by Olivia Barnard and Tricia Quintero. DSISD trustees do not represent “places,” but rather are at-large representatives.
Candidates for the board of trustees in Texas must meet the following qualifications:
• Be a United States citizen
• Be 18 years of age or older
• Not be mentally incapacitated (as defined in policy)
• Have not been convicted of a felony (as defined in policy)
• Be a resident of Texas continuously for 12 months immediately preceding the filing deadline
• Be a resident of the district continuously for six months immediately preceding the filing dead-line
• Be a registered voter from the territory of the office sought
Additionally, an informational school board candidate meeting will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 6, in the Center for Learning & Leadership. Superintendent Dr. Holly Morris-Kuentz will share information about the role and responsibilities of board members and answer questions. Attending the meeting does not commit an individual to running for a trustee seat; it is informational in nature, the district stated.
An application can be downloaded online at www.dsisdtx.us/elections. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14.
Applications may be filed:
1. In person at: Center for Learning & Leadership (300 Sportsplex Drive, Dripping Springs)
2. By mail to: DSISD, Attn: Supt. Office (P.O. Box 479, Dripping Springs, TX 78620)
3. By email to: katrina.walker@dsisdtx.us