If you’re like me, maybe you’ve never had a close relationship with your extended family growing up. Sure, maybe you saw them every now and then, but you probably weren’t catching up with your cousins and aunts and uncles every week and holiday.
Despite this, I still managed to click with certain extended family members that I adored. One of them being my uncle Donald from my dad’s side and my aunt Debbie from my mom’s.
Now, I’ll be honest, I can’t remember the first time I met Donald, but I do remember immediately finding him funny and loved seeing him chat with my dad. Donald is the youngest, so maybe that’s why their interactions have always stood out a bit to me.
Also, if you know Donald, you know his stories are insane, from cooking squirrels to the latest gossip at his job. What kid doesn’t want to hear about the wacky food their uncle eats?
Anyway, I also never see him. He used to live out of state and then, more recently, an hour or two away and between everyone working, it just doesn’t happen as often as I’d like it to.
Now, my aunt Debbie is similar in the way that she doesn’t live super close, but probably the most opposite you can get, as far as personalities, from my uncle. Debbie is older than my mom and, for as long as I can remember, has always doted on me. She’s always thought to give me items she picked up that she was sure I’d love — even my everyday purse is a gift from her — and she’s never failed to ask how I was doing when talking to my mom.
I’m also pretty sure she’s the only family member I’ve ever begged my parents to ask to come to Thanksgiving dinner.
She’s just a sweetheart, with a country accent, through and through and I could tear up just thinking about how much she means to me.
Now, writing all these feelings is easy because even though hundreds of people are going to read this, I’m not actually talking to them. This is something I’ve struggled with — expressing my love to those who aren’t my parents — because I feel like maybe I don’t have the right to love them as much as I do when I don’t see them often. I know that’s a childish mindset, but it’s how I feel. That’s why, when this love is reciprocated, it means that much more.
A few weeks ago, Donald came by for a surprise visit and I wasn’t there (yes, I was really upset about it), but, while he was there, my parents told me that he made sure to ask about me constantly. And when they told him about my promotion, he couldn’t stop looking at the stories I wrote and telling them how proud he was of me.
The same thing happened with Debbie on the phone a few days ago. My mom told her the news and her tone immediately changed. It was clear she was so excited for me.
“Now she thinks she’s bad,” joked my mom, insinuating that I think I’m super cool because of my new role.
“Well, she is bad! Give her credit where credit is due,” my aunt exclaimed.
Along with laughing, I wanted to tear up because how is it that both of these people, who probably don’t know how much I love them, care so much about me, too?
This is a long-winded way to say that your insecurities, however they may present, are probably all in your head. So, wear the outfit, go for the job promotion or tell someone you love them.
To uncle Donald and aunt Debbie, if you’re reading this, I love you both so much and I’m sorry I don’t say it often enough. I’ll be sure to do so next time.
Kelley is news editor of the Hays Free Press and News-Dispatch. She can reached via email at brittanyk@haysfreepress.com.